In today’s complex and rapidly changing global business environment, it is not enough for leaders to be able to successfully respond to change. Today’s leaders have to serve as the catalyst for transformation and organizational change. All leadership is change leadership. Effective change leaders do three things really well; they anticipate where things are moving, they facilitate the implementation of change, and they sustain momentum by taking charge and moving things ahead. Effective change leaders know how to be both proactive and reactive across the change continuum. All Leaders must have a disciplined engagement of transformation and change, facilitating the building of agile businesses and the fostering of organizational resiliency.
This course will cultivate your ability to assess the need for change. By determining why your organization or team needs change, you’ll be able to better answer questions like: what should you change and how should the change be driven?
What You Will Learn
- Understand why driving change is an essential part of organizational success
- Recognize and integrate the dynamics of organizational culture, economics, technology and human behavior
- Leverage Customer Focus and competitive Differentiation as catalysts for change
- Best practices for Improving decision making, innovation and engagement during transformation
- Understand the roles of “change leader” & “consultant” (internal and external)
- Understand the fundamental drivers of organizational change and transformation
- Lead collaborative data analysis and feedback meetings with client groups
- Apply essential principles and practices of working with groups & teams
- Build client engagement for real change and commitment to action