It was an honor to be a guest on Dr. Diane Hamilton’s nationally syndicated leadership focused radio show Take The Lead. To be transparent, it felt much less like an interview for Dr. Diane’s radio show and more like Diane and I sitting in a couple of high back arm chairs in front of a crackling fire in my living room catching up on life like two old friends. I have never shared so much
Build Trust By Leading with Authenticity Series – Part 3
Contrary to what most people believe, trust is not some soft, illusive quality that you either have or you don’t; rather, trust is a pragmatic, tangible, actionable asset that you can create. Stephen R Covey Building and sustaining Leadership Trust is a delicate, daunting, and formidable endeavor. The leader must make a commitment to the time, energy, perseverance and character needed to undertake this mission. The good news is that you already possess an instinctual
Build Trust by Leading with Authenticity Series – Part 2
Trust is something that is difficult to establish. It is very fragile that needs to be taken care of. Once trust breaks or shatters into pieces, it is very difficult to rebuild it. K. Cunningham This is today’s leadership quandary; great leaders need to build a high trust teams and organizations in a low trust world. Today’s leader has to determine the best course of action to engage and counteract the rising wave of distrust. This is
Build Trust by Leading with Authenticity Series – Part 1
The glue that holds all relationships together–including the relationship between the leader and the led–is trust, and trust is based on integrity. Brian Tracy This is one of my favorite quotes it clearly conceptualizes an intimate relationship based on mutual trust between those who lead and those who follow. There’s no way around it; people will not follow you if they don’t trust you. It does not matter how intelligent, charismatic, experienced, or talented. You will not
Great Organizations Hire, Train and Retain High CQ Talent
I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. Winston Churchill In a previous post, I made the argument that Intellectual Curiosity (CQ) should be one of the top 3 – Go or NO GO criteria for hiring, training and retaining talent for your organization. For senior the roles, the level of Intellectual Curiosity (CQ) is one of the strongest predictors of a leaders’ success and effectiveness. Intellectual Curiosity is
Great Leaders Have High Intellectual Curiosity
Great leaders have high intellectual curiosity, also known as a CQ. Intellectual Curiosity is consistently defined as one’s deep and persistent desire to know, and correlate with best leaders and the best employees. The more senior the role, the more critical Intellectual Curiosity (CQ) is to a leader’s ability to succeed.
Leadership is Learning
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy Learning is the most critical cornerstone in our evolution to great leadership. It is the fundamental developmental requirement we depend on for continued growth. Dedicate yourself to a “never stop learning” philosophy. Remember learning is a lifelong endeavor and life never stops teaching us! Be ferocious in your quest for knowledge. Strive to become a more self-aware, conscious and empathetic leader. Become a mentor!
Featured On Career Success Podcast
“What have I done?” That was the apprehensive thought that came to mind as I sat at my hotel room desk to prepare for a video podcast interview I had agreed to do a month prior. I assumed leadership would be the subject matter of the interview since my entire focus is on leadership – keynotes, workshops, executive coaching… leadership, leadership and more leadership. As I read through the write up from Jennifer Tardy and