Sample Videos

Watch a select sample of Mel’s videos. Visit the Take The Limits Off YouTube Channel for all videos.

Cycle Theory by Mel Parker
Achieve Your Dreams Through Leadership
How To Build Organizational Trust
Discover And Harness Your Super Power

Speaker Kit Downloads

Please find links below to download commonly requested items including photographs of Mel, his short biography, audio / visual requirements and most requested speaking topics. We look forward to working with you!

Mel Parker on a blue background

Mel Parker on a blue background, 1785 × 2075 pixels


Mel Parker on a brown background

Mel Parker on a brown background, 1634 × 2066 pixels


Mel Parker, seated, on a blue background

Mel Parker, seated, on a blue background, 2172 × 3257 pixels


Mel Parker, seated, on a brown background

Mel Parker, seated, on a brown background, 1772 × 2656 pixels


take the limits off mel parker media kit example image

Take The Limits Off - Mel Parker - Media Kit


Mel Parker Short Bio Keynote and Workshops 2019

Mel Parker - Short Bio - PDF


Mel Parker Audio Visual Requirements Keynote Workshop 2019

Take The Limits Off - Audio / Video Guidelines - PDF


Take The Limits Off Most Requested Keynotes and Workshops 2019

Most Requested Keynote and Workshop Topics - PDF
