Take The Limits Off is a certified SDVOB by NVBDC

AMAZING! That’s the word that come to mind when I think of my executive coaching experience from Mel Parker. When selecting an executive coach there were many names that are advertised throughout the industry and come highly recommended. After carefully researching and interviewing with a few, I chose Mel as he first captivated me by his executive presence. Mel’s track record of being an executive also caught my attention. After hiring Mel as my executive

My work with you over the past eight months has been transformational. I have a clearer vision of myself and my potential contribution to my team and the organization. Our work on coaching skills and emotional intelligence have expanded my ability to get significantly more work done through others. As trust within the team has strengthened, I have been able to delegate more tactical work to team members, creating the time needed to be more

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As a former US Marine Officer I was immediately drawn to select Mel as my executive coach. His successful leadership career in the military and in the private sector was impressive and I felt that I could easily relate to him. I was not wrong. We immediately clicked during the first phone call. He was very organized and had a plan but was ready to adapt to my needs and goals. From the very beginning

Being coached by Mel was a life-changing event for me. He helped me push past obstacles and find my personal power, so that I could live my life confidently and with integrity. ….Mel is an amazingly effective coach.

Mel, I now understand what it means when you say “I am your mission”. You have the unique ability to make me feel that I was not only your most important coaching client in the whole world, but also the only coaching client you have in the world. Working with you is always energizing, comforting, challenging and inspiring all at once.

Mel is very comfortable working with successful executives – who have the highest expectations from any trusted advisor. Mel is a great mentor and is committed to helping you achieve whatever goals you set for yourself. You are his Mission! I am beyond thrilled with the results that Mel has helped me to achieve in both my professional career and my personal life.

Mel’s strong leadership, knowledge, skills, and disposition were key to his dialogical coaching style and highly effective when pushing my thinking. Over many months, Mel and I engaged in thoughtful but challenging conversations about work situations, my leadership strengths, and ultimately where I still needed to grow. His approach was always highly empathetic, personal, and collaborative, often asking me to reflect on my choices and consider alternative routes. I would readily recommend and seek out

When I came to Mel for coaching I was to the point where I would have taken any job, anywhere to get away from the stress I was feeling at work. He helped me to analyze what I really wanted for a career path and gave me the right amount of inspiration mixed with some tough love to help me get where I needed to be. I am so very glad that I chose him

I found Mel to be keenly interested and aware of my concerns about performance and career. His deep corporate experience allowed him to quickly grasp the team, business and internal political opportunities and barriers to growth. He was able to methodically uncover the “invisible cables” that were holding both my performance and career down. Mel was also adept in exploring and inspiring a wide array of mitigating activities that aligned with my core values and